Heat, Light, and Noise

No. List of Laws Laws
4 Issues of Occupational Safety, Health And Environment ActB.E. 2554
1 The employer shall use or provide for light filter film or other measures as appropriate and sufficient to prevente direct light or reflection light from source or sun. [1],[2],[3]
2 The employer shall control noise level that the employee faces by average (Time Weigthed Average –TWA) not to be higher than standard as specified. [1],[2],[3]
3 In the business place where the impact or impulse noise is more than 140 decibel A or where the accumulated impact noise or impulse noise is higher than specified standard, the employer shall allow the employee to stop work until this is corrected as specified in the Announcement. [1],[2],[3]
4 In the business place with working condition of noise higher than standard, the employer shall improve or correct the source of noice or passing route of noise to be not higher than standard. [1],[2],[3]
5 The employer shall provide for warning sign to use personal safety equipment, to be posted in the place where the employee can easily see in the area where the noise level is higher than standard. [1],[2],[3]
6 In the working condition in business place with noise level as faced by the employee by average for the whole working time of 8 hours as from 85 decibel A and more, the employer shall provide for hearing conservation project in the business place under the rules and methods as specified by the Director General. [1],[2],[3]
7 The employer shall provide for management concerned with method of choosing and using personal safety equipment, by allowing the employee to be trained on method of using and providing maintenance to the personal safety equipment, and the user’s rules shall be prepared systematically for inspection by the labor inspector at all times. [1],[2],[3]
8 The employer shall provide for measurement and inspection of working condition concerned with heating level, light level, or noise level in the business place, and the employer shall provide for health checkup for employee who works in the condition that is dangerous from heat, light, or noice under the rules and methods as specified by the Director General. [1],[2],[3]
9 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall control the working area to be not too hot with the heat of not higher than standard; if the area to perform work is hotter than that specified, the entrepreneur shall post the warning sign so that people would now the area of heat, and shall correct it to be of the level under standard. If the entrepreneur fails to do so, the entrepreneur shall then provide personal safety equipment, and shall provide for training on how to use such equipment as well. [1],[2],[4]
10 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall prevent direct light or reflective light from being exposed into the employee’s eyes while performing work, there shall be sufficient light for work comprehensively to be able to see the barricade or the thing that might cause danger from the movement of machine or danger from electricity, as well as the stairs to use in emergency under rules as specified by the Department of the Industrial Works. [1],[2],[4]
11 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall control the working area to be of noise level of not higher than standard; any person is forbidden to enter into the area with the noise of higher than 140 decibel A; if the noise is higher than the standard, the entrepreneur shall post warning. [1],[2],[4]
12 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall provide for measurement, analysis, and preparation for report on working environment concerned with heat level, light, and noise for at least once a year, where there shall be safety staff of professional level or graduate with Bachelor’s Degree in Science or higher to certify the report, and such report shall be kept at the factory to be ready for inspection by the official. [1],[2],[4]
13 The inspection of the working environment concerned with heat level, light, and noise shall be the area where the work is performed in normal condition. [1],[2],[4]
14 The method of inspection and analysis shall be under international standard such as OSHA, NIOSH, or other methods as approved by the Department of Industrial Works. [1],[2],[4][1],[2],[4]
No. List of Laws Laws
4 Issues of Occupational Safety, Health And Environment ActB.E. 2554
1 The employer shall use or provide for light filter film or other measures as appropriate and sufficient to prevente direct light or reflection light from source or sun. [1],[2],[3]
2 The employer shall control noise level that the employee faces by average (Time Weigthed Average –TWA) not to be higher than standard as specified. [1],[2],[3]
3 In the business place where the impact or impulse noise is more than 140 decibel A or where the accumulated impact noise or impulse noise is higher than specified standard, the employer shall allow the employee to stop work until this is corrected as specified in the Announcement. [1],[2],[3]
4 In the business place with working condition of noise higher than standard, the employer shall improve or correct the source of noice or passing route of noise to be not higher than standard. [1],[2],[3]
5 The employer shall provide for warning sign to use personal safety equipment, to be posted in the place where the employee can easily see in the area where the noise level is higher than standard. [1],[2],[3]
6 In the working condition in business place with noise level as faced by the employee by average for the whole working time of 8 hours as from 85 decibel A and more, the employer shall provide for hearing conservation project in the business place under the rules and methods as specified by the Director General. [1],[2],[3]
7 The employer shall provide for management concerned with method of choosing and using personal safety equipment, by allowing the employee to be trained on method of using and providing maintenance to the personal safety equipment, and the user’s rules shall be prepared systematically for inspection by the labor inspector at all times. [1],[2],[3]
8 The employer shall provide for measurement and inspection of working condition concerned with heating level, light level, or noise level in the business place, and the employer shall provide for health checkup for employee who works in the condition that is dangerous from heat, light, or noice under the rules and methods as specified by the Director General. [1],[2],[3]
9 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall control the working area to be not too hot with the heat of not higher than standard; if the area to perform work is hotter than that specified, the entrepreneur shall post the warning sign so that people would now the area of heat, and shall correct it to be of the level under standard. If the entrepreneur fails to do so, the entrepreneur shall then provide personal safety equipment, and shall provide for training on how to use such equipment as well. [1],[2],[4]
10 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall prevent direct light or reflective light from being exposed into the employee’s eyes while performing work, there shall be sufficient light for work comprehensively to be able to see the barricade or the thing that might cause danger from the movement of machine or danger from electricity, as well as the stairs to use in emergency under rules as specified by the Department of the Industrial Works. [1],[2],[4]
11 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall control the working area to be of noise level of not higher than standard; any person is forbidden to enter into the area with the noise of higher than 140 decibel A; if the noise is higher than the standard, the entrepreneur shall post warning. [1],[2],[4]
12 The entrepreneur of the factory business shall provide for measurement, analysis, and preparation for report on working environment concerned with heat level, light, and noise for at least once a year, where there shall be safety staff of professional level or graduate with Bachelor’s Degree in Science or higher to certify the report, and such report shall be kept at the factory to be ready for inspection by the official. [1],[2],[4]
13 The inspection of the working environment concerned with heat level, light, and noise shall be the area where the work is performed in normal condition. [1],[2],[4]
14 The method of inspection and analysis shall be under international standard such as OSHA, NIOSH, or other methods as approved by the Department of Industrial Works. [1],[2],[4][1],[2],[4]
Relavant Laws
No. List of Laws Laws
1 Occupational Safety, Health And Environment Act, B.E.2554 (2011)
2 Ministerial Regulations: The Standard For Administration And Management Of Occupational Safety, Health And Environment For Works Involving Heat, Light, And Sound B.E.2549 (2006)
3 Ministerial Regulations: The Standard Of Management And Operation On Safety, Occupation, And Workplace Environment Regarding To Heat Light And Noise, B.E.2559 (2016)
4 Clarification Of The Ministry Of Labor: Ministerial Regulations Prescribing Administration And Management Of Occupational Safety, Health And Environment At Workplace For Works Involving Heat, Light, And Sound, B.E.2549 (2006)
No. List of Forms Forms
1 บัญชีรายชื่อผู้เข้าชื่อซื้อหุ้น หรือผู้รับมอบฉันทะในการประชุมให้ความเห็นชอบในกิจการที่ได้ประชุมจัดตั้งบริษัทพร้อมลายมือชื่อ
2 หลักฐานการรับชำระค่าหุ้นที่บริษัทออกให้แก่ผู้ถือหุ้น
3 เอกสารหลักฐานที่ธนาคารออกให้เพื่อรับรองหรือแสดงฐานะทางการเงินของผู้ถือหุ้นทุกคนที่มีสัญชาติไทย